Monday, April 30, 2012

Cross that off the bucket-list

I did it.  I ran a half-marathon.  It took me 2hr 39min 12sec to do it, but I actually did it.  AND, I didn't come in last :).

Here's some proof! Thanks, Tandi, for the pics!

Still smiling!

Just breathe!

So close!

Done...and there is someone behind me

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Inspired to be Motivated

I heard recently that people don't motivate, they inspire.  The speaker went on to say that inspiration is external, but motivation is internal.  I had never thought of this before and realized that I always likened motivation and inspiration to be somewhat the same. 

Motivation is defined as the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.  It is the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.  However, inspiration is defined as an exalting influence, producing a feeling or thought in others. It means to fill or affect with a specified thought or feeling.

When comparing the definitions, I realized how true the first statement was.  Motivation comes from somewhere inside you, but often it is inspired and influenced by others.

I was thinking about this in terms of my motivation to run this upcoming half marathon.  I was inspired by a few people and that inspiration motivated me to not give up.  Had it not been for several people in my life, I would have quit this running thing months ago.  As it is, the half is in 3 days and although I'm a bit nervous, I'm ready.  I'm ready because I was inspired to not give up.  Kaia, Tandi, Shannon and Britt all gave me the inspiration I needed to continually motivate myself even when I didn't really want to.  They didn't motivate me.  I had to do that for myself.  However, it was their constant encouragement, their excellent suggestions, the crazy cleanse and even a kick in the pants now and again that helped me on this journey towards motivation.

I am grateful for their inspiration and because of it, I have found a mental and physical strength that I didn't know I possessed.  

Perhaps we shouldn't have motivational speakers, but inspirational ones, yes?