Tuesday, February 22, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 5

Day 5 - A picture of your favourite memory

It is hard to pick just one favourite memory.  I have so many.  Summer holidays with my family, years of church camp, great school memories, going to Quebec, going to Romania, the past year and a half is a great memory all of its own.  But, since I don't have pictures from the far away memories, I'll use a more recent one.

Being a bird girl
Being part of Seussical was an amazing experience.  It made me step out of my comfort zone and try something that I never thought I'd do.  I hope to do another musical again.  There have been several factors as to why I haven't, but maybe this year will be the year I get to do another one.  We'll see. 


  1. Love it! I wish I could have seen the show :) Maybe I'll get to see the next one...

  2. One of my FAVORITE memories WITH you!!!

    Let's do it again soon!

