Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Last Link

My boys are going home this week.  I think I've been holding on to Choir 35 as long as possible and the boys were the last link that kept them close (or as close as you can be when they are in Texas and I am here).  Knowing they are heading back to Africa, my heart hurts just like it did when the rest of my children went home in December.  Having Reagan and Jonah stay with Choir 37 was so hard, but it meant they were here just a little longer and I got to have one more time with my precious boys before my time with Choir 35 is truly over.

I'm going to say good-bye to them tonight and then only God truly knows when I will hear their voices again, listen to their laughter and be able to say with words how much I love them.  These boys (and all my children) will hold my heart forever.  I gave it to them and through all the highs and lows, they planted themselves firmly in my soul and I will always hold them there.

Reagan is my boy and I'm so glad I got to see him begin to develop character, to sow into his life lots of love and hopefully a little bit of wisdom, to remind him that he is special and that God has a plan for his life.  I wait with anticipation to see where God leads that boy.

Good-byes aren't high on my list of fun things to do.  I will go on just like I always do, because there is just no other option.


  1. Dear Friend...My heart hurts with you. I know the feeling. I gave my heart away too. Thinking of you tonight :)

  2. Thinking of you Stacy.
