I look and look, but I don't see an African Children's Choir Bus, but wouldn't you know...the children were right. Suddenly, I could hardly contain myself. I looked at Rachel and said, "Rachel, for the truth, was there an African Children's Choir bus??" She looks at me with that little grin and I almost fall off my seat. For the truth, we are meeting Choir 37 and Rachel, Vic, Craig and David had planned this 'little' surprise for us. Now, you may be wondering why this is so wonderful, but let me tell you....meeting up with another choir doesn't happen everyday. AND when it does, it you might not know anyone else on that team. But for Choir 35, this was a reunion of mass proportions. Uncle Vic, Auntie Chelsea, Auntie Jackie and Auntie Laura all live on Village 4 and have carried the hearts of Choir 35 to Choir 37. Not to mention, Stella and Esther, our precious girls that are giving Choir 37 a hand for awhile. We go to park but there is a baseball game going on. Vic starts circling the block as Rachel follows him. I'm practically bouncing out of my seat. In my head, I'm yelling at Vic to hurry up and find a place to park.
Finally, we pull into the lot. I'm out of my seat waiting for Rachel to open the door. I see Chelsea. I can't get off the bus fast enough. I hug her for long minutes, so thankful to have my precious friend in my sights, if only for a brief moment.
Then, off the bus comes Laura. I can't hold myself back. I haven't seen my kindred spirit in over a year. This moment was so unexpected. I hug her with all my might. I have no words, just hugs.
Suddenly, I remember that there are a whole lot of other people, little people, swirling around us. Hugs from all directions, chaos ensues as Choir 35 meets Choir 37, some of them seeing other children that they went to school with or maybe knew from church. Rogers finds his cousin Bob and his best friend Joshua. He is so excited. Laura and I link arms as the children settle down. "Let's walk", we say. I'm excited to meet her kiddos, but I'm more excited to see her, to talk, to laugh, to catch up. Ah, even as I type, I'm remembering the wonderful feeling it was to have her there.
I can't think of a more beautiful surprise. I loved seeing Choir 37's bus, chatting with Vic like we used to, hearing Chelsea's laugh, watching our kids make friends with people who know just what tour is like. I couldn't be more grateful for that hour. It was a lift to my spirit, a smile to hold in my heart. These memories, they won't be forgotten.