Wednesday, May 27, 2009

One year

Well, I've been blogging for a whole year...I'm amazed at how much I actually like it. I'm a bit sporadic and not always thought provoking, but I do definitely enjoy it. I like to go back and read my blogs. Sometimes I don't agree with what I wrote, sometimes I agree more than ever.

It's neat to see the progression of the journey. I'm not a journal writer by nature, but I'm finding typing to be kind of therapeutic. I think it is because I can go back and read what I wrote and fix. I like knowing that I can process the thoughts and not have them all scribbled out. Must be the OCD in me :)

So, happy 1 year to me. May it be followed by many more.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I had a special concert tonight. The last one with my students. There were a lot of people there, but no one just for me. Tough to face some stuff by yourself...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Change with the times?

I read a comment the other day that said Christianity should be changing with the times. That really made me stop and think. How would it be possible for Christianity to "change with the times" without fundamentally changing Christianity?

I think the reason that Christianity has stayed so consistent throughout time is that we worship an unchanging God. We don't worship a God who's mood changes with the seasons or that is dependent upon the stars. We worship a God that is consistent, unchanging.

John 3:16 says, "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life". The fundamental belief of Christianity is that God sent his son into the world to save the world. How is it possible to change that cornerstone and not change Christianity? If the solid belief of the church is that Christ came to die for us, then we cannot change with the times unless we change our foundation. God knew that giving human beings choice would create a measure of havoc, but he also had a way for us to overcome that. His son.

I think the verse that follows John 3:16 is perhaps even more important, but much less quoted. John 3:17 says "For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved". The foundation of Christianity is not condemnation, but salvation. A church that doesn't preach God's salvation has already changed with the times. If we water down the message of Christianity, then we might as well not have Christianity at all.

I go through moments of ups and downs in my walk with the Lord. When I am being stretched and pulled in so many directions, I wonder how I will ever stay strong in my beliefs. There are so many options in our world, so many choices that seem like a "good" choice. I know that the power to stand only comes from one place - the power of God that has been given room to grow in my life. Power that God gives because I choose to place my belief in him.

I don't want Christianity to change with whatever wind happens to be blowing through society. I want the foundation of Christ to always be evident through the church. Yes, the way we do church may change - the songs we sing, the instruments we use, the way we take our offering - but the foundation of Christ must always remain. The knowledge that the only way to the Father is through is his son must always be in the forefront of who we are and what we do. If we lose that, we lose our purpose. We lose our passion.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hurry up! Slow down!

I want time to move quickly because I can't wait for this journey with the African Children's Choir to begin and yet, I want it to slow down so that I can cherish some of the new blessings in my life that will be put on hold. There is a bit of a tug-of-war happening in my life.

It is interesting to be in a place of change that you know will not last forever. I have begun putting my house in order, deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. I will only be gone a year, so I don't want to get rid of a lot of things, but there are items in my home that I never use, so now would be a good time to purge. I don't own much in terms of monetary value, but much of what I own has sentimental value. What do I do with all that stuff?

The other area that has been difficult is friendships. I'm still forming so many great friendships and it's so hard to know that in a few months these new friendships that have blossomed will be put on hold. I worry that it will be hard to find those relationships again.

I'm really learning that even though change is good, change is not easy. Letting go is freeing, but it takes me time to get to the place to do it. I will and I can, but it is a process. A mix of emotions to go through, but I know that this is all part of the journey and all part of the lesson that God wants me to learn through it.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Reality Hits

So, over the last few weeks, I've started to make plans for things happening in the future only to realize that I'm not going to be here. I mean, I know that I'm not going to be around for a year, but sometimes I forget.

Today, I went for a walk with Monique and we got talking about the Globe Theatre and next season's line-up. Peter Pan is coming and so is A Doll's House - both shows I'd like to see. "Let's go", we say. "Sounds great", I say. "Wait a second...I can't go". "Why not?", says Monique. "I won't be here"....oh ya.

I'm super excited about going with the African Children's Choir, but it still feels a bit like a dream. I don't think reality will really hit until I'm on a bus or on a plane. Or maybe when my house is rented and I don't have a car...ya, that might be it.

All good things, but all reminders that I'll be gone. Weird. Cool, but weird.