Saturday, October 10, 2009

My new favourite conversation

On the way to our host's home in Marysville, I was sitting beside Reagan in the car. He takes my hand and turns to look at me. And he says, "Auntie, we need to talk." First of all, that's funny. So serious. Then he says, "Before you came to tour, we stayed six nights, four nights, five nights...then you came to tour and we stay one night, one night, one night. Auntie, I am going to send you back to Canada and I'm going to be tour leader. If I need you, I will call the number on my bracelet." Bahahahahaha! So I tell him, "If I go back to Canada, I won't have the phone." Then he says, "Then I will phone Auntie Marci and she will call you. Uncle Vic will take you to the border in the bus." Ah, he cracks me up.

Then today he told me he changed his mind because we will be having a three night stay. I guess he loves me after all!

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