Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Preparing for Change

God does things in the strangest, coolest ways. I thought it wasn't going to happen, but it has gone beyond even my wildest imagination.

I'm going to tour with the African Children's Choir. WOW!! It still feels like a dream. I put in my initial application last fall and when it came time for the phone interviews, we had a really hard time getting in touch. I was working 2 jobs and was never home. I had decided that God had closed the door when Christmas came and went and we hadn't been able to connect. But that's when God does unexpected things. I got an e-mail from the volunteer coordinator just after the new year asking to try again! I'm so glad we did.

Two interviews and a month later, I found myself on a plane heading to Langley for a weekend at Camp Brotherhood and the last of part of the interview process. I learned so much about the organization and really found myself grasping the vision. I think the organization itself is amazing and I feel confident about being a part of it.

Last Thursday, I got the call that they had a position for me. Now that the initial shock has worn off, I'm so excited. I know that life on a bus will be hard, but I also know that I am going into an amazing season of discovery, serving, and blessing. It's gonna be an unbelievable journey. And I can't wait.

I've kept this secret so long that it seems strange to be able to put it in writing. God's faithfulness overwhelms me. Even in the down times, he is putting a path before us that leads to great joy. I'm ready for this ride. I'm ready to soar.


  1. Wow Stacy! This is awesome! I LOVE the African Children's Choir and their organization. I'm actually jealous that you get to tour with them ... I'd be lying if I said that I haven't considered applying to tour with them in a couple years. I know you will be a blessing to them, and that those beautiful children will bless you more than you can even imagine! Blessings on you as you begin this new journey!

  2. welcome to the family sister. the Lord is leading you into a cool place and i look forward to reading/hearing more about the journey.
    - steve (choir 32)

  3. Jill! I noticed that you were a fan on FB :) I'm so excited about this journey. Congrats on almost being done your schooling!

    Uncle Steve - nice to "meet" you. I read a little bit of your blog. It's nice to sort of get to see what I'm getting myself into. Blessings to you on the next part of your journey. Enjoy your time at Mirembe house. May you be refreshed!

  4. So happy for you,
    and i love when our 'secrets' become a public truth, a witness to God's whispers.

  5. A witness to God's whisper's. I love it. That's exactly what it is. Tony, thanks for filling in the feeling with words.
