Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Letter to My Saviour

To the one who knows my heart,

I haven't been focused on you enough as of late. I found another love for a moment who over took your place as the highest. I still love that other love, but not as much as I love you. I know now that the only way that other love can truly happen is if I love you first.

I recognize that I may need to push that other love off the throne sometimes and I hope that I will recognize when it starts to climb the stairs to your holy place.

You are always so gracious to me in the midst of my mistakes. Thank you for always allowing me to come back, even when I've messed up so many times. Thank you for reminding me that you still love me and still find value in me.

Your humble servant,

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Resting in God's Sovereignty

I've been reminded lately about the sovereignty of God. It's so much bigger than I can really fathom and so much wider than I can grasp and yet, I find it so comforting to know. God is sovereign. His sovereignty extends beyond my limited understanding to cover all things.

God is sovereign in my joy. He is sovereign in my weakness. He is sovereign over death. He is sovereign over my singleness. He is sovereign over my loneliness. He is sovereign when I feel insignificant and he is sovereign when I feel overwhelmed. He is sovereign when I think I have control of my life and he is sovereign when it feels like it is spinning out of control.

He is sovereign over Heaven and he is sovereign over earth. He is the ruler over all things.

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Art, Entrepreneurship and Me

I am a music teacher. I rarely say to people that I am a teacher. I always qualify the teacher...

For some reason, the music teacher is teaching Art 20 and Entrepreneurship 30 this semester. Why, you may ask? Because someone seems to think that because I have an education degree that I must be able to teach whatever they throw my way. And I have.

This is my most stressful semester yet. I thought that Art 20 would be the simpler of the two because my friend is the art teacher and has given me a good plan for the semester and the resources that I'll need to get through. But it isn't. The students know that I am not an art teacher and they question my authority. When I say that they aren't doing the technique correctly, they question how I know. It is a matter of knowing the concept, but not being able to do it. It's like parallel parking...I know the idea of it, but I can't do it. Not properly, anyway.

I still know more than the students do in Entrepreneurship. The curriculum, although slightly confusing, is fairly well laid out and with time and patience, I can figure it out.

We are only in week 2. I have 5 more months of this. I hope I make it. I hope the students make it.

Oy Vey!