Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Letter to My Saviour

To the one who knows my heart,

I haven't been focused on you enough as of late. I found another love for a moment who over took your place as the highest. I still love that other love, but not as much as I love you. I know now that the only way that other love can truly happen is if I love you first.

I recognize that I may need to push that other love off the throne sometimes and I hope that I will recognize when it starts to climb the stairs to your holy place.

You are always so gracious to me in the midst of my mistakes. Thank you for always allowing me to come back, even when I've messed up so many times. Thank you for reminding me that you still love me and still find value in me.

Your humble servant,

1 comment:

  1. My Child Stacy.
    You are loved more than all the sands on the earth a million times over. Your name is written on my hand. I new your name before you came to be.
    My grace pours over you.
    You make me a proud.
    Your loving Father...
