Wednesday, November 4, 2009


One of the chaperones on my team always says that red is the colour of death, that's why the leaves on the trees turn red and fall off. But, I've decided it means something better. It means renewal. Being on the West coast, I've gotten to see the colours of fall in a much more vibrant way than I think I ever remember seeing. The red, gold, orange and brown all mixed together creates so much beauty. I was thinking about how needed it is for those leaves to change colour and fall to the ground. The tree would not survive if it wasn't able to go through the renewal process. It goes dormant through the winter and then when spring arrives, it begins the process of regrowth.

I've had a rough few days, but I think I'm just going through a bit of winter. My mind needs to go through a process of renewal. Watching the leaves change colour and prepare for regrowth has reminded me that I can never just think that I have reached the place God wants me to be. There will always be areas that need to be renewed, improved. Fall is my favourite time of year and being here in Oregon has certainly solidified that for me. I want my life to be as beautiful in the renewal process as creation is. I know that in these next few months, I'm going to grow and change more than I ever thought possible. God is reworking my heart to be prepared for those new lessons he's going to teach when my heart is ready for the growth.


  1. hahahah! I love it! That's great, you found beautiful meaning and purpose in............death...
