Friday, August 13, 2010

It's been a while...

I often sit down to write and then stare blankly at the page. It isn't that I don't have things floating around in my head to write about, it's that I don't often have the words with which to write. I read other people's blogs and wish I could be as eloquent. However, that is not to be, so instead, I sit and stare for awhile, write a few sentences, erase them and try again, erase some more and then finally just decided that today isn't the day.

Today's thoughts are a mixture of so many things - the amazing generosity of my supporters, people I love who come and go, how hard it really is to be a parent, weight issues on tour, planning the choir's schedule for our trip to Las Vegas, wondering if I'll be able to make it to Regina for my dear friend's wedding in October, thankful for the church stay that has been so refreshing, thinking about the end of tour and the next step, and the list goes on and on.

How is it even possible to put such a myriad of thoughts into one blog post? It's not, I don't think. And, when I try to separate out just one thought, it links into another thought and another and then the mess in my head becomes even more complicated.



  1. i love you. i love your blog. I relate. i miss you.

  2. Dear Stacy,
    It's true. And yet, when it is time to write something it seems to always be profound. :)
