Friday, February 18, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 1

*I saw this on facebook and thought I'd give it a try as a blog.  That means a lot of blogging between now and March 18!  Let's see if it can be done.*

Day 1 - A picture of yourself with 10 facts

At my gram's
  1. I'm 30.  When did I get this old?
  2. I think I want to move to Africa...
  3. I have 23 kids.  They aren't mine, but they're mine.  I love them.
  4. I spend too much time on my computer.
  5. I love teaching.  
  6. I have 2 nieces and 1 nephew.  They are awesome.
  7. I have 1 sister.  She's awesome too.
  8. I've suddenly taken a liking to decorating and if I could redecorate my entire house, I would!
  9. I love Jesus.
  10. I led a tour for 16 months and survived.  Miracles do happen.

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