Tuesday, June 28, 2011


With all that has been happening lately, my emotions have finally caught up with me and I'm finally realizing what a big part of my problem is.  I'm so restless.  I am so excited to be heading on a vacation because I just feel like I need to be on the move.  The biggest problem in my restlessness has been that I've been neglectful of my relationship with Jesus.  I'm searching everywhere but the place I should be.  I haven't been asking for direction, I've just been wandering aimlessly hoping it will drop in my lap.  In Luke it says, "Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened", but I've not been asking, so how can I receive...I've not been seeking, so how will I find?

I recently heard an Audrey Assad song called "Restless" and I was struck by it's truth.  I am restless until I rest in Christ.  He has given me this restlessness but it is my job to ask him and to seek after him for what to do with it.

1 comment:

  1. I totally know the feeling. And I have listened to this song a million times this year. This album has helped get me through :)
