Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Governmental Unrest

I am not normally the political type. I follow politics a bit, have my views and opinions, have chosen the party that I will vote for and such, but I don't tend to express those views openly.

However, the last few days have made me feel a lot of unrest. As a democratic nation, Canadian citizens have the right to choose their government. This time, it meant that we would have a minority Conservative Government and the Liberals would be the official opposition. Sometime between October 14th and now, the Liberals decided that they didn't like being the opposition and wanted to be in power. They are now trying to form a coalition government with the NDP and the Bloc Quebecois. Basically what they are saying to Canadians is that they could care less about what the voters wanted and will form their own government.

I thought I lived in a democratic country. I have realized now that it is only partially true. The law does not prevent the Liberals and NDPs from forming a coalition government. They now have the power to overturn the people's decision by combining and choosing a leader amongst themselves. Just because it is a law, doesn't make it right. Our Governor General has the final say...we have placed the political situation of our country in the hands of one woman. I pray she makes the right decision.

I have been amazed at the outcry and outrage that is coming out from all across the country. Liberal and NDP supporters are not happy about the coalition, even though it would bring power to their party of choice. Conservative supporters are obviously not happy because it would mean the fall of a government that they elected.

I can understand now why so many countries have political or military coups. It is much easier than I would have thought to overturn the people's decision. We don't have a real democracy. We have a democracy that depends on good people being in power and when the wrong ones are there, it is easy to turn the tables.

Welcome to Canada. A place that could once hold pride in it's government, but where shame and disgrace may soon reign.


  1. ok, so i just read through your whole entire blog tonight...why did i not have you on my blogroll??? i am such a suck-rific friend. anyhoo...love reading your musings stacy...you are such an encouragement to me, and i've enjoyed watching your grow over these last few years into the radical/awesome/tubular/beautiful woman that you are today. oh how i miss you and wish we lived closer!

  2. errrr...maybe you don't want to be on my blogroll??? let me know, my love!

  3. I don't mind if you put me on your blogroll. I miss you and wish we lived closer too.
