Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Moving to the New

2008 is coming to a close. It is hard to believe how fast this year went. I look back and wonder what I accomplished and there are a few things. But I have decided to let this new year be a new beginning. No looking back, just moving forward. As Anne Shirley said, "tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it".

I have some goals for myself. They are not New Year's Resolutions. Just goals that I hope to achieve. If they don't happen, I won't beat myself up over it.

Here they are:

1) I want to be better at keeping in touch with my friends. Somehow life has moved so many of my favourite people around the world and I'm very bad about getting so wrapped up in what is happening in my own little world, that I neglect them. No more! This is the time when I want to renew those friendships and make sure they know how much they mean to me.

2) I am going to lose 15 lbs. Now, this is one of those things I might beat myself up over! I am going to subject myself to the fitness classes after school at Thom. I have lost 9 lbs already and there is no reason to stop now. I want to feel healthy in my body. Not skinny, just healthy. I don't feel that way right now.

3) I am going to relearn my French skills. In the last five years, I have really let them slip and it bothers me. There is no reason to let all of that training go to waste. I bought some books today. I'm going to tackle that ASAP!

4) I'm going to be a better recycler. I started that this past year and I'm doing better, but I am definitely not perfect. Crown Shred and Recycling is an easy way to do that, I just need to get at it.

5) Last, but not least, I am going to join a Bible Study. I haven't been a part of one in a long time. Some friends of mine and I have talked about it, now we just need to do it. If we don't, I'll join something else.

That's it. 5 goals that are important to me on this eve of a new year. I hope a year from now, when I look back, I can be proud of myself for achieving what I've set out to accomplish.

Yay for a new year!

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