Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 16 - November 20

16. Done.

Today marked the 15 month anniversary of Choir 35 on tour. Today marked the last concert of Choir 35 on tour. Two monumental moments in the same day.

The other monumental moment today was that my boy, Reagan, turned 10. The best part was that he thought his birthday was tomorrow. This morning, after breakfast, I said happy birthday and he looked at me very puzzled and said his birthday is on November 20, tomorrow. No, Reagan, today is November 20. Big smile. Auntie, it is my birthday TODAY! Auntie, I am 10 years old. Hahaha. Poor kid. Waiting for his big day and then found out it WAS his big day. He's precious.

Tears only came 1 time today, right after the concert started. The moment when Reagan let go of my hand to follow Tony to the stage. For a brief moment, I was lost. But, I pulled it together, laughed and danced my way through this last concert and survived. One more last checked off the list. How many more? I don't think I have enough paper to make the list nor can I count that high.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I was strong enough to read your postings but nope... not strong enough for this one. This one made the tears start flowing and uncontrollably too. My friend, It's almost done. I don't want to say over. It's never over, but our journey together is almost done. And my oh my, I don't want to go home without you.
